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How A Personal Trainer Helps You Run Your Best Race


While February 14th may have been all about love hearts and roses for some, it was also the first day of Lent. While some might use the period between a night of gorging on pancakes and an Easter weekend spent devouring chocolate eggs to try to eat a healthier diet, others may be more proactive about their waistline.

Diet alone is not enough to make a big impact on weight and fitness, but combining this with lots of exercise like running and gym work will bring about huge change.

Unfortunately, motivation can be a major issue, even if you have set some serious targets for the near future.

For example, this summer brings some major distance races. May, for instance, brings the Great Birmingham Run and the Great Manchester Run, Britain’s biggest 10K race. Both events offer a half-marathon option as well as a 10K.

Several other races take place over the summer with the season’s biggest highlight the Great North Run around Tyneside.  All this comes after the London Marathon in April.

You might have signed up for one of these events, ready to run around Old Trafford, up the Mall, or over the iconic Tyne Bridge while being cheered on by the crowds. The thought may be an exciting one, but for that day of glory to come to pass, there will need to be a lot of hard training on cold, wet days.

Motivating yourself to pound the streets or do umpteen laps of the park on your own is never easy to do, especially if it is pouring with rain or dark. That is where a personal trainer can help.

A personal trainer can give you a clear programme and schedule, with lots of mini goals. For instance, you may find you have to stick to a regular schedule, with ever-lengthening times and distances. The structure and regularity, as well as your accountability to your trainer, will be vital in getting you to make sure you train come rain or shine.

The trainer will also be able to assess just what sort of training you need. For example, you may need to build up certain muscles in your arms or legs, or you might need to strengthen your core. All this will be complemented with important things like dietary tips.

Furthermore, they can help you with important things like stretches and warm-downs, helping you steer clear of injuries and also avoid feeling stiff and sore the next day, something that might otherwise severely demotivate you.

With the help of a great trainer, you might find you do more than just manage to get around the course and limp home afterward; instead, you could find you cross the line feeling strong, fit, and in a situation where you could have carried on running if necessary.

If all that means you run a personal best, you will feel happy and ready to take on more challenges. If you have done a 10K, you may want to step up to do a half-marathon. And if you have done that, maybe a full marathon is next. With a great personal trainer, you will find your limits are greater than you ever imagined.

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