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Small & Simple Daily Habits That Can Make A Big Difference


Many of us would like to make positive changes to our lifestyle, whether it’s to do more exercise, eat more healthily, or improve our mental wellbeing. However, good intentions can get lost when we seem to be expending all of our energy just meeting the demands of daily life. The thought of making big changes can seem too overwhelming.

However, it’s often small and easily achievable habits that can make a big difference. Once you start to notice the changes in your energy levels or mood, it’s a much more manageable step to making bigger changes that you will stick with. Here are some simple daily habits that can help you to become the best version of yourself.

Rethink breakfast

Breakfast is important because it literally breaks our night time fast and tops up our glucose levels, preparing us with enough energy to start the day on the right foot. If you often skip breakfast, try having a small balanced meal such as porridge with seeds or fruit, or wholegrain toast with avocado and tomatoes. 

Plan a small enjoyable activity everyday

It can be easy to get caught up in a cycle of going through the week on autopilot and living for the weekends, but this can make life feel like an unrewarding cycle stuck on repeat. Instead, plan to do something very small but fun every day, even if it’s just a quick walk at lunchtime or watching your favourite TV show in the evening.

Swap one sugary snack for a piece of fruit

If you get through the day powered by sugary snacks such as biscuits and chocolate, the thought of completely giving them up might seem too difficult. Instead, try swapping one high-sugar item for fruit, which is sweet but contains much lower amounts of fructose and is also high in fibre, which will keep you feeling fuller longer. 

Keep a journal

Sometimes, writing can be a great outlet for whatever is going on in our heads. It helps us to clarify our thoughts rather than have them go round in fruitless circles. Writing can be an outlet for emotions such as frustration or anger that are difficult to express in everyday life. It also can help us to define our goals and stay accountable to them. 

Prepare meals in advance

It can be all too easy to fall back on convenience meals when we are in the midst of a busy working week and cooking from scratch feels like too much of a chore. A great habit to get into is prepping food with fresh ingredients at the weekend and storing it in batches in the fridge or freezer. 

Do some physical activity every day

Moving is not only good for our bodies but also our minds, as it triggers the release of endorphins and ‘feel good’ hormones such as dopamine and serotonin. Even a brisk walk in the park or a 15 minute YouTube workout can soon add up to a big change in the way you feel about yourself. 

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