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Tips For Sticking To Your Fitness Routine During Summer


The summer is an excellent time to take advantage of the great outdoors with activities such as hiking, running, cycling, or wild swimming. However, if we do experience more frequent heat waves m, this can sometimes make it more challenging to stick to a fitness routine as the heat saps energy and increases the risk of dehydration

Here are some motivational tips to help you stay fit and beat the heat this summer.

Rethink the timing of your workouts

Pick the cooler parts of the day such as early mornings or late evenings for exercise, as temperatures hit a peak between 11am and 3pm. This is also a great opportunity to start integrating outdoor exercise into your daily routine if you work full time. 

Take advantage of the early dawns and long evenings to discover the joys of trail running or even just a quick jog around the park after work. These times are also quieter if you want to take part in road-based activities such as cycling, or need to drive to your workout location.

Stay well hydrated

Sweating is the body’s natural cooling mechanism, and we naturally lose more fluids when we exercise in hot weather. Therefore it is important to hydrate adequately before, during and after exercise. Try to drink in small but frequent amounts rather than gulping down a pint of water in one go. 

The body is not able to absorb a sudden influx of water, and it will increase the likelihood of it passing straight through your system rather than being delivered to the body’s cells. If you are partaking in very intense exercise or are prone to heavy perspiration, consider using rehydration tablets and electrolyte supplements to replenish lost fluids and minerals.

Wear breathable lightweight clothing

The best fabrics to wear are made of moisture wicking materials that allow sweat to evaporate more quickly. This not only helps to keep your body cooler, but also prevents you from feeling clammy and uncomfortable in heavy wet fabrics that do not dry quickly, such as cotton. 

Listen to your body and make appropriate adjustments

If you are feeling the strain, don’t force yourself to carry on exercising as this can put you at risk of dehydration or even heatstroke, which is a potentially serious health condition. Adjust the length or intensity of your routine, or switch to indoor activities such as online fitness classes or air conditioned gyms.

Alternatively, seek out shady wooded areas or water based activities such as open water swimming. 

Take time to cool off

After your temperature has soared, help the recovery process with gentle stretches, cold drinks, ice packs, or a cool shower. 

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